
HoMedics SS-4000 Sound Spa Classic Deluxe Clock Radio Sound

Lets you wake to natural sounds, music or alarm.
AM/FM clock radio with LCD display with snooze function.
Project the time on the ceiling with soothing blue light.
Includes six natural sounds: Ocean, Waterfall, Summer Night, Rain Forest, and Rain.

Great White Noise Producer And The Ultimate Lazy Man's Snooze Button The HoMedics SS-4000 Sound Spa Classic Deluxe Clock Radio and Sound Machine is a handy little device to have around. It features a pretty good radio and six natural sound settings. The nature settings are Ocean, Summer Night, Rain, Rainforest, Thunder, and Waterfall. Of these settings, Ocean and Rainforest are my personal favorites. Rain and Waterfall are pretty good as well. Since I live in Louisiana, I only have to open my window at night to hear the real Summer Night setting. Thunder falls short due to the fact that it really doesn't sound much like thunder. It's more like a constant roar.

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